This new facility will allow us to help more people in the community in more ways.

Dawnie McElligott, Owner

Time to heal


We are a team of healing professionals in Airdrie, Alberta, and we focus on providing a high-quality approach to your wellness needs. Our knowledge and expertise will help with your rehabilitation and maintenance needs. Community is part of our wellness, so we stay connected by supporting and uplifting our community as much as possible.

mind. body. soul.


Massage has benefits beyond just feeling amazing. Massage helps to increase blood flow, and the oxygen metabolism in our muscles; as well as supporting immune function and mental health. Your massage doesn’t always have to be deep to be beneficial, and sometimes a little pampering is just what the doctor ordered. For those that like a deeper touch, therapeutic massage offers all the benefits of relaxation, with the addition of tension relief. Our therapists know just the right manipulation techniques to help you get back to normal.


Osteopathic therapy is both a natural medicine and a treatment philosophy, which seeks to identify areas of the body that are not functioning optimally then gently ease these restrictions so that normal function can resume.

Osteopathic therapy applies the knowledge of structure (anatomy) and function (physiology) of the body, to all diseases, disorders and dysfunctions. The tools osteopathic therapists use are their hands. Osteopathic therapists use a gentle “hands-on” or “manual” approach to identify the causative factors of the problem and restore order to all of the systems: musculoskeletal, respiratory, cardiovascular, digestive, reproductive, or nervous system. (Source from


Naturopathic medicine is a distinct system of primary health care that concentrates on whole-patient wellness while emphasizing prevention and the process of self-healing through the use of natural therapies. Naturopathic medicine attempts to find the underlying cause of the patient’s condition rather than focusing solely on symptomatic treatment.

Nucca Chiropractic

NUCCA is not a widely known phrase. But what NUCCA stands for is the National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association.

NUCCA is a form of chiropractic care that uses a specific procedure focused on correcting a small misalignment of the neck. This subtle correction ultimately restores optimal balance to the entire spinal column. Because the spinal column protects the central nervous system that controls and co-ordinates all body functions, good spinal balance is critical to good health.

Extensive research and clinical studies, over many years, have shown that improved body balance effectively reduces stress throughout the entire body and helps to relieve pain and tension.

Physiotherapy / Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy

Physiotherapists are primary health care professionals that play a significant role in health promotion and the treatment of injury and disease. And as such, you do not require a referral from a physician to access physiotherapy services. Physiotherapists also have the ability to refer to certain specialists. They combine their in-depth knowledge of human anatomy and physiology, exercise physiology, pain science, biomechanics with specialized hands-on techniques (manual therapy) to assess, diagnosis and treat a wide variety conditions that have resulted from either disease or injury.

Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy

Pelvic Floor Physiotherapists are physiotherapists with specialized training the anatomy, physiology and biomechanics of the pelvic floor muscles and are trained in manual therapy skills to be able to perform internal exams (vaginally and/or rectally) to assess and treat pelvic floor dysfunction such as: stress incontinence, urge incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, constipation, Chronic Pelvic Pain, Dyspareunia, Vaginismus, Vulvodynia, Pudendal Neuralgia, and Interstitial Cystitis.

Pelvic floor dysfunction can be caused by the muscles in the pelvic floor not able to either contract OR relax in response to loading and movement and subsequently results in issues of incontinence (urge or stress), pelvic organ prolapse, or pelvic pain (dyspareunia, vaginismus, vulvodynia, puendal neuralgia).

Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy is becoming more established in the literature as a first-line of defence against incontinence (leaking) and pelvic pain. The Cochrane Collaboration 2010 (highest quality evidence) concluded that Physiotherapists with specialized training in pelvic floor rehabilitation (using internal examination to teach the exercises) should be the first line of defence, before surgical consultation, for stress, urge and mixed incontinence in women.

Full Service Wellness

Here is the full slate of services that we offer for your wellness journey.

Hot Stone

Physiotherapy - Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy



Relaxation Massage


Therapeutic Massage

Prenatal Postnatal



Fascial Stretch Therapy

Lymphatic Drainage

Gift Certificates

Osteopath Manual Therapy


Qi Beauty Facials

Herbology, Clinical Aromatherapy


Hot Stone

Hot stone massage is a type of massage therapy that involves the use of smooth, heated stones. The massage therapist places the hot stones on specific points on your body and may also hold the stones while giving the massage. The localized heat and weight of the stones warm and relax muscles, allowing the massage therapist to apply deeper pressure to those areas without causing discomfort.

Physiotherapy - Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy

Pelvic Floor Physiotherapists are physiotherapists with specialized training the anatomy, physiology and biomechanics of the pelvic floor muscles and are trained in manual therapy skills to be able to perform internal exams (vaginally and/or rectally) to assess and treat pelvic floor dysfunction such as: stress incontinence, urge incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, constipation, Chronic Pelvic Pain, Dyspareunia, Vaginismus, Vulvodynia, Pudendal Neuralgia, and Interstitial Cystitis.

Pelvic floor dysfunction can be caused by the muscles in the pelvic floor not able to either contract OR relax in response to loading and movement and subsequently results in issues of incontinence (urge or stress), pelvic organ prolapse, or pelvic pain (dyspareunia, vaginismus, vulvodynia, puendal neuralgia).

Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy is becoming more established in the literature as a first-line of defence against incontinence (leaking) and pelvic pain. The Cochrane Collaboration 2010 (highest quality evidence) concluded that Physiotherapists with specialized training in pelvic floor rehabilitation (using internal examination to teach the exercises) should be the first line of defence, before surgical consultation, for stress, urge and mixed incontinence in women.


Craniosacral therapy is a gentle hands on therapy done while laying down and fully clothed. It releases restrictions around the central nervous system (spine to head) to allow your body to heal from a variety of issues. It is deeply relaxing and can help from physical or emotional trauma or chronic health issues.


90 min massage with the Raindrop Essential Oil technique incorporated. It is very relaxing and healing. Raindrop is a series of EO's dropped on your spine to bring your body into alignment and balanced in a non-evasive manner. We use Young Living EO's.

Relaxation Massage

Relaxation has benefits beyond just feeling amazing. This type of massage helps to increase blood flow, and the oxygen metabolism in our muscles; as well as supporting immune function and mental health. You massage doesn't always have to be deep to be beneficial, and sometimes a little pampering is just what the doctor ordered.


NUCCA is not a widely known phrase. But what NUCCA stands for is the National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association.

NUCCA is a form of chiropractic care that uses a specific procedure focused on correcting a small misalignment of the neck. This subtle correction ultimately restores optimal balance to the entire spinal column. Because the spinal column protects the central nervous system that controls and co-ordinates all body functions, good spinal balance is critical to good health.

Extensive research and clinical studies, over many years, have shown that improved body balance effectively reduces stress throughout the entire body and helps to relieve pain and tension.

Therapeutic Massage

For those that like a deeper touch, therapeutic massage offers all the benefits of relaxation, with the addition of tension relief. From lengthening, to myofascial release, and GTO activation, our therapists know just the right manipulation techniques to help you get back to normal.

Prenatal Postnatal

Every mom, and mom to be has those stubborn aches and pain that can only be associated with growing a whole new person. Our therapists are well aware of that deep low back ache, and the way it curls all the way around that hip in just the wrong way. Take a load off and relax while we take care of those aches for you, and let you get back to focusing on your baby.
Just like growing a human is associated with its own pains, birthing one is too! Postnatal massage focuses on the most stressed areas of a woman's body postpartum, such as preventing SI joint dysfunction, and treating the symptoms of piriformis syndrome. Just like with relaxation massage, postnatal helps support the immune system and mental health. Sometimes all you need is an hour to yourself, and that's okay.


This therapeutic technique is one of our favourites. The cupping method is very versatile and can be done a number of different ways, all with the same goal in mind: myofascial release. To break that down, cupping pulls apart the [fascia] adhesions between muscle layers, freeing them up to move more smoothly, and less painfully. Cupping also floods the area with fresh blood, helping to drive out waste minerals so they can be properly metabolized or excreted.


Our bodies only have so much energy to use and handle what is thrown at us. When some tissues, including muscles, become too sensitive to the many different stimuli that we experience in life, they send stronger signals to the brain. This changes how the brain sends out signals to muscles and organs, causing less efficient responses, a related muscle to be weak or hypertonic (tight), and a related movement that uses more than one muscle to be less coordinated. P-DTR identifies when a muscle does and does not contract well. It uses the response of a well-functioning muscle to various stimuli to give information about the state of sensation receptors in our body and includes a treatment phase that clears annoyances to decrease pain and improve muscle function.

Fascial Stretch Therapy

Fascial Stretch Therapy TM (FSTTM) optimizes the elasticity of our body’s fascia, the elastic connective tissue that lines all parts of our body, by reducing guardedness with phases of shortening and contracting, loosening adhesions within and between its adjacent layers, and engaging the fascia. This gives muscles a greater ability to both lengthen and contract with greater ease, allowing for greater range of motion, strength, power, muscle control and balance and can help decrease pain and stiffness.
Although less effective than when assisted, there are valuable self-stretching options that can be taught using FST principles. This style of self-stretching is great for reducing stiffness and increasing movement quality and range of motion during a workout or athletic event or as a mid-day stretch break at work.

Lymphatic Drainage

Lymphatic drainage massage is a form of gentle massage that encourages the movement of lymph fluids around the body. It is helping the lymphatic system remove waste and toxins from the bodily tissues.

Gift Certificates

Gift Certificates are available. We can arrange a contactless was to get you a GC! Call the clinic at 403-980-2150 or stop by and pick one up today or CLICK the "GIFT CERTIFICATES" Button top right!

Osteopath Manual Therapy

Osteopathic Manual Therapy is a form of hands on therapy with a primary focus of restoring function and eliminating pain by addressing the root cause of the pain, imbalance, injury or illness. It is effective on its own as well as in conjunction with physiotherapy, chiropractic and massage therapy.


Acupuncture is a complete system of medicine rooted in the wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine, it uses modern scientific and physiologic knowledge to diagnose, treat and prevent health issues. Acupuncture works by stimulating specific points in the body. This stimulation creates a predictable physiological response. Acupuncture relaxes the nervous system, then there is a release of internal chemical reactions that aid the body in self-reulation, helping the body to heal itself.

Qi Beauty Facials

Facials that utilized gold magnets designed to pull collagen and elastin upwards for lasting benefits and sustainable anti-aging effect. In the first six weeks, the skin becomes fuller, wrinkles disappear and it becomes more flexible. If you keep using it, it will help prevent aging.

Herbology, Clinical Aromatherapy

Herbology is the study of plants and plant lore. Botanists typically collect and identify different species of plant in order to make potions and remedies, and their compilations are known as 'herbals'.


Teresa Futers, MSW, RSW is our Registered Social Worker. She provides counselling services with specialization in anxiety, depression, disordered eating, women’s mental health and emotional literacy.

Client Testimonial

I have been seeing Brenda very regularly for 4 years. She has an amazing understanding of anatomy and muscle interactions. She is an excellent massage therapist and her skills are very evident. She is responsive to my requests and isn't too aggressive unless I ask her to really work on an area I need. I feel like she gives me her best work every time I go to At Dawn Wellness. I am lucky to have found her!

Danelle R.


Monday - Thursday : 9AM - 8PM
Friday : 9AM - 6PM
Saturday : 10AM - 2PM
Sunday : CLOSED


520 - 1st Ave. NE
Airdrie, Alberta T4B 1R1

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